Tekserve Single Post Shortcode

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About Tekserve Single Post Shortcode

Wordpress plugin to create a shortcode and widget for showing the title, post info, excerpt, and thumbnail for a single post.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Chad A. Carino


There are plenty of plugins to show lists of posts, but if you only want to display a condensed preview of a post on any wp page, this is the plugin for you! The shortcode accepts the numeric id of any post as an attribute, and will display a preview that links to that post. This preview is generated with easily styled html. To show or hide the featured image for your single post preview, pass the attribute showimage with either hide or show. It’s pretty easy!

For fun, I decided to also build a widget that does the same thing; it’s included and can be used like any other widget. Why not?!