Telegram for WP

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About Telegram for WP

Allows WordPress site to send notifications to Telegram. You can also send files/posts/products to Telegram Channel.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Ameer Mousavi


Whether you want to receive notifications about your website (e.g. comment submit, user register, new core update and etc.) or you just want to share your posts/products in Telegram Channel; you are welcome to use this plugin. This will help you to integrate Telegram with WordPress.

This plugin based on Notifcaster service by Ameer Mousavi and allows WordPress site to send notifications to telegram.

Note: You have to turn on WordPress email notifications in order to receive Telegram notifications. Because in this version you will receive the body of any email that WordPrss is sending.

Please feedback and rate to make this plugin better.

Here is a Persian Tutorial