Tematres WP Integration Plugin

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About Tematres WP Integration Plugin

Plugin that implements the integration of a Tematres with WordPress.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 2 years ago


When informing a Tematres API URL, WP recognizes the terms registered in Tematres as Tags available to publish to posts.


Install and activate the plugin. Go to the “Tematres WP Integration” menu in the panel and configure the requirements:
– Tematres API URL
– Tag Name
– Post where the tags will be applied

FrontEnd Observation

To return the tags in the frontend of a post which uses, for example, the get_the_tag_list function (as the Twenty Twenty One Theme) of WordPress, it is necessary to manually change the theme’s template files, to not call this function, since it exclusively calls tags of type post_tag, which are standard in WP. So we created the functions has_tag_thematres_wp and tmwpi_get_the_tag_list that look for the tag created by the plugin.

Usage example in Twenty Twenty One theme:

if ( has_category() || has_tag() || has_tag_tematres_wp() ) {
    if ( function_exists( 'tmwpi_get_the_tag_list' ) ) {
        $tags_list = tmwpi_get_the_tag_list( '', __( ' ', 'twentytwentyone' ) );
    } else {
        $tags_list = get_the_tag_list( '', __( ' ', 'twentytwentyone' ) );


Please reach out to make pull requests or issues on the Tematres WP Integration GitHub repository.