Testimonials WP

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About Testimonials WP

Customizable plugin that creates and displays your Testimonials with shortcodes. Create the Testimonials as an Admin or as a User.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: second2none


Testimonials WP is a Testimonial plugin that allows you to display and collect Testimonials from you customers / clients.

Customise to the look to fit in with your current theme or override the current themes CSS with your own custom CSS.

Base Features

  • Easy to use Shortcodes for Display and from
  • Add Testimonials from Admin area
  • Display a form for users to create Testimonials
  • Testimonial Approval System
  • Testimonial Display System (decide which ones to show)
  • Delete (only soft delete, will still stay in DB) Testimonials
  • Include user image with Testimonial or Default will show

Form Features

  • 5 Colour Themes to choose from
  • Title update
  • Turn Labels or Placeholders on / off
  • Auto approve testimonials
  • Edit Success / Error Messages
  • Edit Success / Error Classes
  • Select Star Rating size
  • Select Saving Spinner Icon

Display Features

  • 5 Colour Themes to choose from
  • Container Border on / off
  • Title update
  • Link Name to URL
  • Nofollow Link on / off
  • Select user image shape
  • Select up to 3 Testimonials per slide
  • Select Star Rating size
  • Select Next / Prev arrow types
  • Select Next / Prev arrow hover shape
  • Select Slide Effects

Shortcode Usage

[twp_display] – Display Testimonials that you have selected to be shown.
[twp_form] – Display form for users to leave


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Testimonial WP in Action