We'll create fresh WordPress site with Text Spinner installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
This tiny plugin allows you to use spintax like {phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}
in your posts, pages and theme files. Just enclose the content that you want to be processed in the shortcode [wpts_spin][/wpts_spin] and a unique copy will be generated on each page load. Alternatively, you can pass the spintax string to the function wpts_spin()
and echo the returned value.
The plugin can help you avoid duplicate content penalties. For instance if you have a sizable block of text that needs to appear throughout the website then you can write spintax for it and use the above-mentioned shortcode or template tag to generate unique copies.
Nested spintax like {phrase 1|phrase 2|{sub-phrase 1|sub-phrase 2|sub-phrase 3}}
is also supported by the plugin.
Example 1:
[wpts_spin]{phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}[/wpts_spin]
<?php wpts_spin('{phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}'); ?>
Sample Output:
Example 2 (Nested Spintax):
[wpts_spin]{phrase 1|phrase 2|{sub-phrase 1|sub-phrase 2|sub-phrase 3}}[/wpts_spin]
<?php wpts_spin( '{phrase 1|phrase 2|{sub-phrase 1|sub-phrase 2|sub-phrase 3}}' ); ?>
Sample Output:
Example 3 (Caching):
[wpts_spin cache="604800"]{phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}[/wpts_spin]
<?php wpts_spin( '{phrase 1|phrase 2|phrase 3}', array( 'cache' => '604800' ) ); ?>
Sample Output:
Same as Example 1 but the output will be cached for a week (604800 seconds).