Text Zoom – WordPress Font Size Plugin by abilitools

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About Text Zoom – WordPress Font Size Plugin by abilitools

Text Zoom provides your users with the ability to personalize the font size






updated: 3 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: abilitools


Text Zoom provides users with the flexibility to modify the font size of a website’s text. Contrary to conventional browser zoom functions, this plugin modifies the text size without changing the paragraph’s width, hence offering the user a more natural and comfortable viewing experience. Settings are saved in the local storage. So when users revisit your page the font automatically resizes according to previous, individual adjustments.

To change the font size, this plugin provides the users with 2 easy options

  • An adjustable, non-obstructive ZOOM-Widget on the left-hand-side of the webpage. It can blend in and out, without disrupting the website’s viewing experience.
  • keyboard shortcuts:
    • Alt +, Alt –, Alt 0 for Windows
    • Option +, Option –, Option 0 for Mac
  • To understand how it works you can also watch our Youtube Video{:target=”_blank”}(approx. 30 sec)

Full Admin Control

In order to avoid any problems with the appearance of your site, the plugins offers 3 different options to control the font size changes of your users:

  • If you have any set of pages (e.g. /news) where you don´t want your users to change the font size you can add the word „news“ to the Blocklist
  • You can block specific URLs, too. Therefore you add the entire url to the Blocklist, e.g. your homepage.
  • With the Content Deselector you can block certain elements (e.g. you
    menu or Sidebar)

More Awesome Features

Customize the look of the Widget according to your site`s style with Text Zoom Premium!

  • Set your own colors to fully integrate the Widget into your site
  • Customize the widget’s position
  • Choose your own opacity for the Widget

Make the Plugin your feature!

  • Add your Logo to the Widget so that it looks like your own feature.

Why this Plugin is beneficial:

Many users face difficulties while reading due to font size issues. There are several reasons for it. For example, some users may be farsighted, or the display is too large, hence giving the impression that the text looks small and therefore putting unnecessary strain on the eyes.

Our research shows that approximately 20% of users perceive texts on websites being too small to read. By integrating our plugin into your website, the users would appreciate the accessibility options your website offers, hence giving the users more pleasant browsing experience. In return, this would decrease the bounce rate and increase the average dwell time on your website.

To experience how Text Zoom works on your website, feel free to download our Chrome Extension{:target=”_blank”}