Tools For S3 Amazon Object Storage AWS Web Services

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About Tools For S3 Amazon Object Storage AWS Web Services

S3 Amazon AWS object storage: Easily delete, download or upload files or folders between S3 AWS object storage and your server or computer.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Bill Minozzi


Tools For S3 AWS Amazon Web Services

This plugin connect you with your Amazon AWS S3 Object Storage, using S3-compatible API.
If the file exists on destination, will be overwrited.

Effortless S3 Amazon S3 Management:

This plugin simplifies managing your S3 Amazon AWS object storage. Upload, download, delete, and create folders directly within your S3 storage, eliminating the need for server uploads.

Flexible File Transfers:

Move files seamlessly between your server, local computer, and Amazon S3 storage, without occupying server storage. Enjoy current transfer limits of 1GB per file, with larger capacities coming soon!

Granular Backups with Reduced Restoration Time:

Perform complete backups of your website to your S3 storage. Unlike traditional backups, you can restore individual files or folders quickly, minimizing the amount of data needed and reducing the time and the risk of overwriting recent changes.

Free and Easy Site Migrations:

Move or clone your website with ease, without paying any fees and without downtime between hostings, even if your current hosting provider doesn’t offer cPanel/Plesk or you’re migrating to a different domain and hosting altogether.

Learn More at Plugin Site


Run only one instance of this plugin each time.

Server Requirements

PHP Memory Limit: 256M
WordPress Memory Limit: 256M
Upload Max Size: 1000M
Post Max Size: 1000M
Upload Max Filesize: 1000M
Enable the php-curl module in your PHP setup

To know your server info, install our free plugin WPTOOLS.

Learn more at Plugin Site

Free Plugin for Contabo S3 Object Storage

Online Documentation

Support Site

Plugin Troubleshooting

Demo Video

Free Plugin to Generate a site database file for Backup
This easy to use free plugin (database-backup) can generate a database backup file with just one click.

Free Plugin to Restore a large or very large site database file
This easy to use free plugin (bigdump-restore) can instal the bigdump.php free script to friendly restore your database backup.


This plugin was not tested with Multisite.


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Amazon S3 integration for WordPress
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Optimizing performance of Amazon S3 storage in WordPress
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Italiano Tags

Questo Plugin WP ti connette con il tuo AWS Amazon S3 Object Storage, utilizzando l’API compatibile con S3 e ti offre la possibilità di scaricare, eliminare, caricare e creare oggetti sullo storage di S3 AWS Amazon Web Services. Elimina le complessità operative e acquisisci nuove informazioni. L’interfaccia utente Web semplifica la gestione di file e bucket con pochi clic e funzionalità di trascinamento della selezione.
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Português Tags

Este Plugin WP conecta você ao seu AWS Amazon S3 Object Storage e fornece a capacidade de baixar, excluir, carregar arquivos e criar pastas no armazenamento de objetos S3 AWS Amazon (Amazon Web Services). Elimine complexidades operacionais e obtenha novos insights. O plugin facilita o gerenciamento de arquivos e buckets com apenas alguns cliques e a funcionalidade de arrastar e soltar.
Armazenar Dados em S3
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Administrar S3
Gerir S3
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armazenamento de objetos
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arquivar em S3
administração do s3