We'll create fresh WordPress site with Top Authors installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Top authors allows yoy to list your top authors with plenty of options. You can set the following in each widget:
For a more detailed description of how you can set up custom author lists take a look at the other notes section. The plugin also has some developer friendly features, take a look at the other notes section for more.
Most of the options for the plugin are self explanatory, I thought I’d highlight the archive specific authors and the display template.
If Archive specific authors is checked the plugin will handle authors differently on category, tag and taxonomy archive pages. It will narrow the posts down to only those in the given archive. Practically this means the following:
Say John wrote 10 posts on the website and Jill wrote 5. On normal pages John would be listed first, Jull would be listed second. However, John wrote 3 posts in the “Food” category while Jill wrote 4. On the archive page for the “Food” category – if Archive specific authors is checked – Jill will be shown first with 4 posts and John second with 3.
When you select “Custom Structure” as the preset display you should see three new fields: Display Template, Before List and After List. These fields can be used to control the HTML display of your authors. To make sure you can use the data retireved by the widget I’ve added placeholders which will be replaced by real data:
As of 1.0.9 there is also a custom ID field. This is for advanced use, mainly for developers. It allows for custom CSS stylings and even custom queries on a widget-to-widget basis.
Currently there are three filters you can use to control the options available in the widget.
allows you to change the roles that can be selected. It should return an array of roles in the form of slug=>nameta/usable_opst_types
allows you to change the post_types that can be selected. It should return an array of post type objectsta/post_query
allows you to modify the arguments of the WP_Query which retrieves the posts that we look up the authors for. Modify the arguments if you want to force category-specific top authors on single post pages, or other similar uses