We'll create fresh WordPress site with TP PieBuilder installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
This Plugin provides you an elegent Bar Graph and Pie Charts with multiple designs and colors. ie. Default Pie Chart, Doughnut Pie Chart and Polar Pie Chart.
TP PieBuilder offers you a very easy customization of color from shortcode. This plugin allows you to customize title from css.
= Defaults Atts :- =
* title = ”, // Optional
* values = ”, // * in percentage (%) ( should be seperated by comma (‘,’). ie: 60, 40 )
* labels = ”, // * ( should be seperated by comma (‘,’). ie: Design, Development )
* colors = ” // Optional till 10 elements else * ( should be seperated by ‘,’. ie: #E6E6FA, #E0FFFF )
* fontfamily = 'ariel', // Optional, you can change the defult font family
* fontstyle = 'italic', // Optional, you can change the defult font style to normal or bold
[TP_PIEBUILDER title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]
[TP_PIEBUILDER_DOUGHNUT title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]
[TP_PIEBUILDER_POLAR title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]
[TP_PIEBUILDER_BAR title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]
[TP_PIEBUILDER_HORIZONTAL_BAR title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]