Trading Signals Widget

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About Trading Signals Widget

The Trading Signals Widget adds a sidebar gauge with the score of our proprietary risk algorithm.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 12 years ago


The Trading Signals Widget (also available on our Android Trading Signals App) allows the WordPress site owner to add our proprietary global market risk score gauge to the sidebar of their website. The score dynamically updates each minute so long as javascript and jquery are enabled (defaults for wordpress).

The sidebar widget also contains important external links regarding the terms and disclaimer necessary for a financial information widget of this kind and should not be removed. The links are nofollow and go out to non-indexed pages. The links associated with this widget should NOT be removed – if the webmaster wishes to remove the links they should not use the widget. We have also added a link to historical datasets (also noindexed) that your page viewers can download for their own research. Cumulative recent results data is charted in timeseries plots at our new G7 Carry Trade Index.

Other Information

The Trading Signals Widget is for educational and amusement purposes ONLY. It should NOT be used for making live trading decisions – please see the disclaimer here.

For a look at our broader body of work, please feel free to visit us at