Shop Products Filter

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About Shop Products Filter

Filter all products of your woocommerce shop. Filter by categories,tags,attributes,taxonomies,price slider,on sale etc.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Trusty Plugins


Filter WooCommerce products with ajax functionality. Use this plugin to make an awesome product filter like price,category tags etc. Use price slider or checkbox which is very easy to filter the woo products from shop.
woo product filter allows the users to filter the products/items by by price, categories, tags, taxonomy, and attributes.
100% Elementor Compatibility,100% Divi and other e-commerce theme’s Compatibility


  1. Ajax Filter with Pagination and Sorting
  2. Works with default Shop Template
  3. Product Category Filter (hierarchically option)
  4. Product Tags Filter (hierarchically option)
  5. Attribute Filter (Color Selection option)
  6. On Sale Products Filter
  7. Price Filter (Checkbox and Range Slider)
  8. Taxonomy Filter
  9. Unlimited Filter
  10. Easy Admin Panel
  11. Fast Support
  12. Easy Shortcode

How It Works

  1. After plugin activation you will get new menu ‘Trusty Woo Filters’
  2. Click on ‘Add new’ and play with awesome settings panel.
  3. Add new filters from dropdown (General Tab)
  4. every filter has thier own control settings.
  5. Make your filter and get shortcode.