Related Video Widget For Post From Youtube

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About Related Video Widget For Post From Youtube

This plugin can show a related youtube video that you set in your post meta called "Youtube Video Link".






updated: 6 months ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Amanur Rahman


Description : Just paste the video link from youtube that you want to show in your post as related video and then save the post. After that from widget drag and drop the widget to your Widget area.

And that’s it. you are done. In this way you can add youtube video to your post that you think may related to your post content. remember that you will see the video in the single post view only.

To see how to install and how to use this plugin; please go to screenshot tab here. Please See the installation details first or check screenshots to have a idea about this plugin.

Now the plugin has shortcode that you can use at any place of your post. Use [ytvd] as shortcode

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