Tutor LMS Author Ownership Changer – Migrate your Course Author Ownership

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About Tutor LMS Author Ownership Changer – Migrate your Course Author Ownership

Easily change the Tutor LMS course author ownership.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Fahim Murshed


Tutor Learning Management Systems was primarily designed to help you administer and teach eLearning courses online. Now you can change the authorship with this plugin.

Go to modify plugin file: /wp-content/plugins/tutor/blob/master/classes/Course.php Line# 40 and remove this code

add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', array($this, 'tutor_add_gutenberg_author'), '99', 2);

Now you can change the Author with this plugin.

If you need more assistance, contact me