UDSSL Time Tracker

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About UDSSL Time Tracker

UDSSL Time Tracker helps you to precisely track your time. Charts allows you to visualize how your time is spent and helps you to be more productive.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: UDSSL


UDSSL Time Tracker helps you to track your time easily with an intuitive interface. You can easily track your time with a few clicks. Using presets you can track frequent tasks instantly. Once you setup your tasks, projects and categories, you only have to enter an optional description on how a particular time period is spent.

Payment Tracker

Payment Tracker allows you to keep a record of your earnings. Once the payment is assigned to a task, that particular task is removed from time tracker interface select boxes. You can’t record time for a paid task. You should start a new task for new work.


UDSSL Time Tracker front interface is built as a Backbone JS application. Backbone app uses the JSON API to manage your time data. The JSON API is restricted to logged-in users by default. You can use the API in any other custom plugin as a logged in user. Further, you can make the API public and use it remotely if required.

Extra Information

UDSSL site contains additional information about this plugin. Visit UDSSL Time Tracker website for more information.

Visit UDSSL Time Tracker Website.