Ultimate 3D Testimonial Slider

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About Ultimate 3D Testimonial Slider

Easily create responsive 3D Testimonial Slider for WordPress website. Display clean client's testimonial on any page or post via shortcode.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Monzur Alam


Ultimate 3D Testimonial Slider is create awesome client’s testimonial showcase for WordPress website. Hopefully it is very helpfull to add client testimonial.

Features of the Ultimate 3D Testimonial Slider

  • Quick to set up
  • Lightweight
  • User friendly

Display Testimonial via shortcode

You can display Ultimate 3D Testimonial Slider into your page or post via shortcode.


if you want to show into your theme file please use do_shortcode.

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[uts]'); ?> 

Need Mored Features

We are working on it. Hopefully we some features next release.