Ultimate Social Media Share

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Ultimate Social Media Share Icon

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About Ultimate Social Media Share

Ultimate Social Share is professional and highly customizable for social media sharing and follow and optimizing of your valuable content.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 4 years ago
author: wpclubz


Ultimate Social Share is professional and highly customizable for social media sharing and follow and optimizing of your valuable content.
Increase traffic to your website with our GDPR compliant, lightweight and responsive social media share buttons and social media follow buttons for WordPress. Gain new followers or have your message shared.
Social share icons are easily identifiable for followers, viewers and clients. You can insert the social buttons and icons in widgets or Gutenberg blocks. We have optimized the buttons for SEO optimization making them lightweight.
Important for EU users: USMS is DSGVO compliant!: No IP data or any other personal data is send to third parties or collected at all.

Grow your audience. Keep them engaged. Do it for free.

== Features ==

Free To Use: Always free to use and ready to help you grow your audience right away.

Customizable: You decide what your audience needs, the plugin makes it happen.

Mobile Optimized: Built to look and feel amazing on any screen, big or small.

Language Support: Select from 9 different languages to ensure our tools fit right in.

Addons/Integrations: Seamless integration with your favorite website platform..

WordPress Plugin: Seamless integration with your favorite website platform.

Styling and Shapes: Customize the Inline and the Sticky Floating buttons

Follow Buttons Widget: Advanced customizable Social Media Follow buttons.

Compatible with Gutenberg: This plugin is compatible with Gutenberg and the Classic WordPress editor.

Compatible with BuddyPress, BBPress, WooCommerce and all Custom Post types

Widget:The follow widget lets users quickly connect with you on your favorite social media networks.

Multisite Compatible and Responsive

== Extended Customizations ==

• Choose from over 35 popular social media platforms.

• Customize alignment, shape and size of buttons.

• Place buttons at the top and bottom of post and page bodies.

• Control top and bottom margins with pixel perfect placement.

• Enable or disable buttons on specific posts and pages regardless of your default settings.

• Choose from 9 different languages to ensure our tools fit right in.

• Use the shortcode to add share buttons exactly where you want.

• Share counts are supported for Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Buffer, Reddit, Pinterest, Odnoklassniki, Fintel and Vkontakte

What makes this plugin Stand Out from others?

  1. Free: Yea, right. It is a free plugin. You need not pay single penny to use the features of this plugin.
  2. No Need to Register Anywhere: You do not need to create account at our website to use this plugin.
  3. No Middle Layer: Plugin runs totally on your website server without any communication to our servers.
  4. Absolutely Simple: Plugin configuration is kept dead simple. Screenshots are provided with options wherever required.
  5. Free Icon Customization: Icons can be customized in thousands of ways using the options available within the plugin, for FREE.
  6. Mobile Responsiveness: Icons can be adjusted according to the width of mobile device, using the plugin options.
  7. Perfect Vector (SVG) Icons: Social Share icons are Scalable Vector Graphics, meaning these load fast, scalable to any size, and are stunning on High-PPI screens (Retina and Retina HD displays).
  8. Optimal Loading time: Loading time of Social Sharing icons is optimal and if you compare with other plugins, you will find it less than that of all those plugins.
  9. Lightweight Code: Our developers follow best coding practices to ensure efficient loading and performance.
  10. We promise to provide best quality among other similar plugins. If you find our plugin is lacking some feature, you can email us and we will do our best to include that feature in our plugin as soon as possible.
  11. Our support team is working 24/7 to answer your queries and assist you. You will find us the quickest to respond.

//The plugin is GDPR Compliant.

== Installation ==

  1. Extract and upload the folder Ultimate Social Share to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to UltimateSocialShare -> Settings

Ultimate Social Media Share

Ultimate Social Share enables your website users to share the content over all known Social Media Apps such as: Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Parler and over 100 more social sharing and bookmarking services.