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About Unconfirmed

Allows WordPress admins to manage unactivated users, by activating them manually, deleting their pending registrations, or resending the activation em …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Boone B Gorges


If you run a WordPress or BuddyPress installation, you probably know that some of the biggest administrative headaches come from the activation process. Activation emails may be caught by spam filters, deleted unwillingly, or simply not understood. Yet WordPress itself has no UI for viewing and managing unactivated members.

Unconfirmed creates a Dashboard panel under the Users menu (Network Admin > Users on Multisite) that shows a list of unactivated user registrations. For each registration, you have the option of resending the original activation email, or manually activating the user.

Note that the plugin works for the following configurations:
1. Multisite, with or without BuddyPress
2. Single site, with BuddyPress used for user registration

There is currently no support for single-site WP registration without BuddyPress.