Unveil Lazy Load

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About Unveil Lazy Load

Unveil Lazy Load is a WordPress Plugin whitch makes lazy-image-load possible to decrease number of requests and improve page loading time.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 11 years ago


Unveil Lazy Load is a WordPress Plugin whitch makes lazy-image-load possible
to decrease number of requests and improve page loading time.

This plugin has the following features compared to another lazy-load plugin:

Decrease data size loaded from web server by adopting a lightweight lazy-load library

This plugin uses a lightweight jQuery plugin created by optimizing Unveil.js Unveil.js (https://github.com/luis-almeida/unveil)
less than about 0.6KB in size in order to only load an image when it’s visible in the viewport.

Decrease number of HTTP requests using data URI scheme

This plugin needs not to load an external dummy image required for lazy-load
because the image is embedded in HTML using data URI scheme technique.

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