Upcoming Meetings BMLT

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About Upcoming Meetings BMLT

Upcoming Meetings BMLT is a plugin that displays the next 'N' number of meetings from the current time on your page or in a widget using the …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 6 years ago
author: bmlt-enabled


Upcoming Meetings BMLT is a plugin that displays the next ‘N’ number of meetings from the current time on your page or in a widget using the upcoming_meetings shortcode.

Basic: [upcoming_meetings]
Attributes: root_server, services, recursive, grace_period, num_results, display_type, timezone, location_text, time_format, weekday_language, custom_query

— Shortcode parameters can be combined


A minimum of root_server, and services attributes are required, which would return the next 5 meetings in simple view with a 15minute grace period.

Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" services="50"]

recursive to recurse service bodies add recursive="1"
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" services="50" recursive="1"]

services to add multiple service bodies just seperate by a comma.
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" services="50,37,26"]

grace_period To add a grace period to meeting lookup add grace_period="15" this would add a 15 minute grace period.
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" services="50" grace_period="15"]

num_results To limit the number of results add num_results="5" this would limit results to 5.
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" services="50" state="1" num_results="5"]

display_type To change the display type add display_type="table" there are three different types simple, table, block
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" display_type="table"]

timezone By default we use your WordPress sites timezone setting, this will overwrite that. add timezone="America/New_York" you can set this in the admin setting or short code. A complete list of timezones can be found here http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" timezone="America/New_York"]

location_text to display the location nam,e using the simple display add location_text="1"
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" services="50" location_text="1"]

show_header to display header info for Table/Block display add show_header="1"
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" services="50" show_header="1"]

time_format This allows you to be able to switch between 12 and 24 hour. the default is 12. To switch to 24 hour add time_format="24"
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" time_format="24"]

weekday_language This allows you to change the language of the weekday names. To change language to danish set weekday_language="dk". Currently supported languages are da,de,en,es,fa,fr,it,pl,pt,ru,sv, the default is English.
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" weekday_language="dk"]

custom_query You can add a custom query from semantic api to filter results, for ex by format &formats=54.
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server="https://www.domain.org/main_server" custom_query="&formats=54"]



