Viadeo Resume

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About Viadeo Resume

Viadeo is the second professional social networks around the world with a total membership base of over 45 million professionals.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Magetys


Viadeo is the second professional social networks around the world with a total membership base of over 45 million professionals. With this plugin, you can show your resume or your contacts’ resumes generated with Viadeo profiles. This plugin use the new Viadeo API.

When you have set your personal Viadeo Access Token on the administration page of Viadeo Resume plugin. You can insert your resume on every page or post with the short code [viadeo-resume].

You can also insert the resume of your Viadeo contacts with the short code [viadeo-resume profile=”nickname“].
Usually Viadeo nicknames are formatted like this : firstname.lastname.
When you write a post, you can generate the short code if you click on “add a Viadeo Resume” button.