VRTs – Visual Regression Tests

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About VRTs – Visual Regression Tests

Test your website for unwanted visual changes. Run automatic tests and spot differences.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Bleech


VRTs – Visual Regression Tests is a plugin to test your website for unwanted visual changes. The plugin runs automatic daily tests for chosen pages and posts. The tool creates daily comparison screenshots and compares them with a reference snapshot. If there is a difference between the screenshots, you’ll be automatically notified via email. Use three comparison modes to spot the differences easily.

Please note: The website must be publicly accessible in order to set up and run the tests. Password protection or any kind of firewall might prevent the plugin from working correctly.


How do you usually check your website after updates and code changes? Do you go manually through all pages or do you just hope everything will run ok? Visual regression testing provides you a method that helps you find errors and visual abnormalities. The VRTs plugin gives you an environment to automate your process.

  1. Activate daily tests for any page or post: Upon activation, a reference screenshot is taken. This will be renewed when a post is saved or updated.
  2. Receive instant alerts: If a change is detected between the snapshot and the comparison screenshot, the plugin will create an alert and notify you via email. The daily test will be paused, until the alert is resolved.
  3. Compare two screenshots: Detect differences between the two snapshots with the difference, split screen or side-by-side view.
  4. Exclude elements: Prevent false positives by excluding dynamic elements, ads and animations from snapshots.
  5. Resolve tests: After fixing an issue, mark the alert as resolved. A new snapshot will be generated and the test will start running again.


In which cases can visual regression testing help you spot issues?

  • Plugin and core software updates
  • Manual code changes
  • External software and API issues
  • Server issues
  • Malware and other malicious code
  • Missing quality assurance


  • Instant first test: After plugin activation, the homepage is immediately monitored and alerts are sent to the stored admin email.
  • Daily Tests: The plugin automatically scans selected posts and pages daily. It validates the visual content by comparing two screenshots.
  • 3 comparison modi: Choose between three ways to compare snapshots – Difference, Split, Side-by-Side view.
  • Instant alerts: As soon as a change is detected between the snapshot and the comparison screenshot, you will be notified via email.
  • GDPR compliant: Snapshots are stored on European servers. We do not collect any personal data.
  • Cross-team: Team members with admin rights can create and view tests and work together on the immediate solution.


  • test up to 3 pages
  • on one domain
  • automatic daily tests


Do you like VRTs and want to run more tests?
Unlock more features with our paid plans:

  • test up to 500 pages in total
  • on multiple domains
  • with automatic daily test
  • and unlimited manual tests
  • run tests programmatically with do_action( ‘vrts_run_tests’ )
  • add multiple alert recipients
  • get e-mail support
  • and access to new features

See all pricing plans


You found a bug? Please report it by creating an issue on the support forum.


You want to learn more about VRTs?

Official product page:

VRTs – Visual Regression Tests


How does visual regression testing work?