vk photo album

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About vk photo album

Basic photo gallery that is familiar to vk.com photo albums. Plugin registers new taxonomy for albums and new post_type for photos. Design is adaptive






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Temirkhan


Basic photo gallery that is familiar to vk.com photo albums. Plugin registers new taxonomy for albums(terms) and new post_type for photos. It is fully adaptive(bootstrap grid)

Url rewriting system included, so it is manageable by settings in class.

Rules are declared in class constrcutor.

L18N system included – translations kept in plugin_dir().’/locatization/’ . WordPressPhotoAlbum::LOCALE . ‘.php’

Can be called by WordPressPhotoAlbum::__t(‘some_phrase’)

Arbitrary section 1

Welcome for any suggestions about new features

Github repository https://github.com/TemirkhanN/wordpress-photo-album