Voip Call Charges Lite

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About Voip Call Charges Lite

The plugin allows a user to install a VoIP Call Charges calculator by widget or short-code.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Ben Van Nimmen


Front-end call rate look up plugin for your WordPress site!

A simple, easy to use WordPress plugin that allows your customers to check out your call rates. This rate look up calculator looks clean and modern on a website and displays perfectly on a mobile browser. Easy import and export your entire list of call charges int he upgrade version and even add, delete or edit charges directly in the plugin.

All charges get loaded into the browser to take strain off server and makes the plugin work super fast!

It just works!

“The plugin loads all your charges directly into the browser so it’s super fast!”

This plugin has been built keeping in mind quality for the front end user, the plugin is fast and just looks beautifull!
The Plugin even gives users the ability to search not just by country but also by country code or ISO2 makes it work just perfect for any type of user that might want to check the call charges!
– 100% responsive!

Easy Admin panel!

  • Configure your plugin to suit your needs with the choice of € (Euro), $ (Dollar) or £ (Pounds).
  • Decide if prices are shown with or without VAT
  • Delete, Add & Edit charges directly inside the Plugin Admin Panel
  • 100% translatable ready!