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Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About VSTEMPLATE Creator

Enables you to create template without the need of FTP when your site is in live server.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 11 years ago


VSTEPMLATE Creator plugin is developed for creating any php file that you want to make template for your site.Suppose your site is in server and a situation arrises that you have to create a template you have to create a php file in your machine and then upload that file from your FTP which sometimes makes you annoy that suddenly you are working in your wordpress Dashboard and you have to connect and then choose directory and then upload your file from there and once again go to your Dashboard and continuee your work . So, why not we craete an application that will help you upload your template and as well as delete your template from here it means from your dashboard only.
Thus saves your time and help you to maintain your Templaet as well

Language Support: The plugin interface in only in English.

Some of the features added by this plugin

  • You can create template whenever you want.
  • Supports updation i.e viewing,editing as well as deletion is also supported.
  • Supports the page selection for you while creating template so, that all the pages will automatically catches the template that you have created.
  • Deletion of template will erase that template and the pages for which this template is created will catch the default template of wordpress.

How To Use

  1. click on VSTEMPLATE
  2. In Title only enters the name of file you want to create suppose you want to
    create abc.php file . Please enter only abc the extension is automatically created by this plugin

  3. In textarea write your template name by default the name of the

    template is VSTEMPLATE you can change it as per your requirement
    this name will appear as name of template.

  4. check for the list of pages for which you want this template to be applied .

  5. in text area after entering the name of the template you can
    write your all the php code and html codes as per your requirement .

  6. Click on create template

  7. your template is ready for use.

Future Enhancements

  1. Fully ajax based instead of primitive request and response.

  2. While updation you can also check or uncheck the existing pages for which you have created this template.