Want Flirty Leads

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About Want Flirty Leads

Want Flirty Leads lets your site visitors respond your site images. Send custom responses to Lead Capture, gain leads using your post/pages images.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: sageshilling


Want Flirty Leads provides a way to respond immediately with information regarded in a site image.

Whether it’s an item for sale, or generating a specific response to an image and cta.

Want Flirty Leads attaches an email field and a submit button to a specific image which follows that image where
ever it is place on the site.

Multiple images on the same page with their own custom message that the site owner has specifically crafted in response
to the client requesting the info regarding the specific image and lc.

Allows for html included in the email message field.

Send PDF links in the html email message field. Upload PDF to your site’s WordPress Media Library and use the PDF link provided
-if need to insert the PDF image to create the link to the PDF, copy it and place in the lead capture image email message field.
Once a site visitor fills out the email and submits the request, the email they recieve will have the PDF link for them do download.
easy peasy

How to Upload & Download a PDF Into WordPress : WordPress: Beyond the Basics

Site owner is bcc on the email as well.