Warcraft Bundle

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About Warcraft Bundle

Warcraft Bundle for WordPress. World of Warcraft collection pages and widgets for WordPress.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 12 years ago


WoW collection for wordpress. 4 widgets: widget guild Perks, widget official server informations, widget guild achievements, widget guild news. 4 pages with shortcodes: guild perks pages, guild roster pages, guild progress page, guild datas page. Also character signatures with shortcode.

You must update this plugin manualy (130 mo of files is not supported with the automatic upgrade WordPress from most hosters).

There is the theme was build for the plugin. It’s the first developmement I made but it’s work correctly without any css change with the warcraft-bundle. You may preview @ http://style-cataclysm.com and purchase @ http://kwark.allwebtuts.net

You host must support php5.2.X and allow_url_fopen

This plugin is non-affiliate with Blizzard entertainment. Images are trademarked and are the propriety of Blizzard Entertainment. Api policy rules http://blizzard.github.com/api-wow-docs/#policies-and-support/api-policy

Happy Christmas


  • Define some information in Dashboard > Warcraft Bundle (mandatory guild name, server name and mandatory only for progress page, GM character name)


Add a page roster

  • Create your page “roster” or “members” under wordpress and add in the content before publish
  • This page is under cron task to generate a cache of this page in html format

    [warcraft type=”guild members page”]

Add a page perks

  • Create your page “perks” or “avantages” under wordpress and add in the content before publish

    [warcraft type=”guild perks page”]

Add page progression

  • Create your page “progression” or “down” under wordpress and add in the content before publish

    [warcraft type=”guild progress page”]

Add page datas

  • Create your page “datas” or “loot” or “news” under wordpress and add in the content before publish

    [warcraft type=”guild datas page”]

  • More option for datas page

    [warcraft type=”guild datas page” column=”4″ sort=”1″ stuff=”seperate” limit=”30″]

  1. Column, start @ 1
  2. sort, 0 or 1 for asc/desc
  3. Limit, the limit of entries to display
  4. stuff, may take parameters full or seperate (and if defined, add one or two zone under the main list)


Widget Perks

  • Drag – drop the widget and define the inputs (title, limit and the type of displaying icon or full)

Widget Server

  • Drag – drop the widget and define the input (server) with the exact InGame server name (majuscule, minuscule, apostrophe needed)

Widget News

  • Drag – drop the widget and define the input (title, limit)

Widget Achievements

  • Drag – drop the widget and define the input (title, limit)


  • work only if this character is in the guild defined in Dashboard > warcraft bundle

  • Work in some forums plugin in a signature spaces

    [warcraft type=”signature” character=”…”]

Where ... is the exact name from your character in this guild