Waymark – Create an Interactive Map, or entire GIS. Embed OpenStreetMap, OSM, MapBox & Google Maps with Leaflet | Import + Export GPX, KML & GeoJSON | Elevation, EXIF & Geo Location

Waymark – Create an Interactive Map, or entire GIS. Embed OpenStreetMap, OSM, MapBox & Google Maps with Leaflet | Import + Export GPX, KML & GeoJSON | Elevation, EXIF & Geo Location Install Statistics

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Waymark – Create an Interactive Map, or entire GIS. Embed OpenStreetMap, OSM, MapBox & Google Maps with Leaflet | Import + Export GPX, KML & GeoJSON | Elevation, EXIF & Geo Location Icon

Try plugin: Waymark – Create an Interactive Map, or entire GIS. Embed OpenStreetMap, OSM, MapBox & Google Maps with Leaflet | Import + Export GPX, KML & GeoJSON | Elevation, EXIF & Geo Location

We'll create fresh WordPress site with Waymark – Create an Interactive Map, or entire GIS. Embed OpenStreetMap, OSM, MapBox & Google Maps with Leaflet | Import + Export GPX, KML & GeoJSON | Elevation, EXIF & Geo Location installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.

Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About Waymark – Create an Interactive Map, or entire GIS. Embed OpenStreetMap, OSM, MapBox & Google Maps with Leaflet | Import + Export GPX, KML & GeoJSON | Elevation, EXIF & Geo Location

Waymark adds powerful mapping features to WordPress that are easy to use. Create beautiful, interactive Maps that you can customise to suit your needs …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 5 years ago
author: Joe Hawes


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Creating Maps

Use the intuitive Editor to create Maps with one, or thousands of interactive Overlays.

  • Overlays – Create Markers, Lines and Shapes with a:
    • Title
    • Image (Media Library or link to external image)
    • Description (Rich text editor, HTML supported)
    • Type (defined in Settings)
  • Import
    • GPX
    • KML
    • GeoJSON
    • EXIF (Image location metadata)
    • Elevation data (adds an interactive profile chart for Lines with elevation data)
  • Meta – Add extra information to your Maps; these are customisable form inputs that allow you to add additional content to your Maps.
  • Types – Set options to visually distinguish between Overlays (colours/icons etc.), then select it when using the Editor.
  • Collections – Group Maps together and display multiple Maps at once. Create complex Collection hierarchies to suit your needs and associate Maps with multiple Collections.
  • Submissions – Allow registered users, or guests to create Maps from the front-end of your site. You can control who can Submit Maps, what editor features are available and whether submissions should be approved before they are published.

Displaying Maps

Embed your Maps using the [Waymark] Shortcode, or link to the Map Details page.

  • Shortcodes
    • Display a single Map, or a Collection of Maps anywhere that Shortcodes are supported.
    • An optional Shortcode Header displays the Map/Collection title, a link to the Map Details page and any Meta.
    • Display a Marker defined through the Shortcode.
    • Display Files (GPX, KML & GeoJSON) from a URL without the need for a Map to be created.
    • Display a Basemap only, without any Overlays by providing centre and zoom parameters.
  • Basemaps – Uses OpenStreetMap by default, with support for multiple raster tiled/”slippy” Basemaps. You can switch Basemaps using the Overlay Filter.
  • Overlay Filter – Allow the user to filter which Overlays are currently visible on the Map.
  • Export
    • (Optionally) Let anyone Export Maps into GPX, KML and GeoJSON formats through the Shortcode Header or on the Map Details page.
    • Works on mobile devices.


Built to be flexible, Waymark has lots of Settings and Types provide one place to control how Overlays (Markers/Lines/Shapes) are displayed.

Marker Icons can be provided as:
– Font Icons (Ionic Icons v2/Font Awesome v4)
– Simple Text, or Emojis (i.e. 🏕️, 🚩, 📸).
– Custom HTML (good ol’ <img src="https://example.com/icon.svg">, or a more complex structure). So you can pretty much create any kind of Icon you want.

For developers:

  • Most elements can be styled using CSS and have sensibly named waymark- classes.
  • WordPress integration:
    • Maps are stored using the custom post type waymark_map.
    • Collections use the waymark_collection Taxonomy.
    • Embed Maps using the [Waymark] Shortcode anywhere they are supported, or dynamically using the do_shortcode(["Waymark"]) function.
  • Geographical data is stored in GeoJSON format. Types are specified using the type Property, i.e. {feature: { geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] } }, properties: { type: 'Alert', title: 'Bridge Removed!' }.
  • Maps are displayed using the Leaflet JavaScript library, which is bundled with Waymark and can be extended using the callback function.
  • Use the JavaScript callback functions to extend Waymark functionality client-side, provided either globally (for integration with all Waymark Maps) or provided as a Shortcode parameter.

Be sure to check out Map First, a minimal WordPress theme with an obsession for Maps (it’s open-source too and contains lots of comments about customisations). As seen in the demo.

Waymark is free, open-source (GPL v2) and a labour of Love. I try to keep the plugin well supported, so please feel free to reach out with any issues, questions or feedback.


To develop locally you will need to have both Node.js and NPM installed.

Grunt is used to run the build script, which compiles the JavaScript and CSS and performs some other tasks.

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/opengis/waymark.git

# Navigate to the Waymark directory
cd waymark

# Install the dependencies (or pnpm/yarn install)
npm install

# Run the build script

The build script will watch for changes to the JavaScript and CSS files.

Pull requests are welcome!

Waymark JS is responsible for the Viewer and Editor and is included as a Git submodule (/waymark-js directory). View on GitHub.