QR Code for WooCommerce

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About QR Code for WooCommerce

Generate QR code for WooCommerce Products






updated: 5 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: WCBeginner


In a world of smartphones, the term QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) and it’s uses are no more alien to us. Each QR code is unique and can be associated with any object/entity.

The plugin WooCommerce QR code generator does exactly what it’s name say. It generates an unique QR code every time you create a product in your WooCommerce store and associates this code with the product’s URL. Next time you want to open your product in mobile, no need to look to and fro between your desktop and mobile. Just scan the code and your phone’s browser will automatically open that product URL.

The plugin even let’s you choose the QR code size as well as the code’s frame size. Happy scanning!

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Use of wc_qr_code Shortcode:
[wc_qr_code id='{put product_id}’ title='{put QR Code heading}’][/wc_qr_code]