We'll create fresh WordPress site with Wedepohl Engineering Time Since installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Shortcode to return the number of years or days since a certain date.
Usage: [we_time_since y=Y m=M d=D type="T"]
* Y = the year required
* M = the month (1 – 12) – optional Default = 1
* D = the day (1-31) – optional Default = 1
* T = the type (“year”, “day”) – optional Default = “year”
The number of years or days since the supplied date or an error message if the date is invalid / no year supplied
I have worked at Wedepohl Engineering for [we_time_since y=1998 m=1 d=1]
I have been sailing for [we_time_since y=2008 m=4]
I have been on this journey for [we_time_since y=2020 m=5 d=5 type="day"]
before_we_time_since - Called upon entry to the shortcode. Passed the array of arguments that are passed to the shortcode.
after_we_time_since - Called just before exit of the function. Passed the processed array of arguments from the shortcode.
we_time_since Called at exit of the function. Passed a string which is the results of the shortcode.