webcam viewer free edition

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About webcam viewer free edition

A plugin for show your webcam images uploaded via FTP even with slideshow or carousel.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Antonio Germani


This plugin creates widget and shortcode(PRO edition) for putting online the webcam images, very usefull with a weather or landscape webcam. It shows .jpg images that the webcam uploads to your server. The images are displayed responsively so that they are also suitable for smartphones and tablets.
You can choose different CSS style and different way to show, for i.e. slideshow, carousel, page refresh, image refresh etc.

You can publish more than one widget and shortcode on the same page with different webcam.

Finally a perfect and easy way to get your webcam online!

PAY ATTENTION: this plugin use old widget system. So after 5.8 WordPress version you need to install ‘Classic Widget’ plugin and don’t use block system.

FREE edition:
If your webcam uploads your images always with the same name, the free edition fits for you. It showes the latest image with a page refresh and without browser cache.
Only widget
No support

PRO edition:
widget and short-code.
-Some webcams only load one image every x minutes and the image always has the same name. The PRO version fits this! Show the latest image every time you load the browser page.
-Some webcams load images with a different name always in the same folder. The PRO version fits that! Gets and displays the last x images found on the folder. You can choose how many images to show.
-Some webcams upload images to a daily folder; a new folder every day. The PRO version fits this! Find the last folder loaded and then enter it, if there is another folder enter it again and then obtain and show the last x images there are.
-Some webcams do not show the day and time of the image. The PRO version fits this! It adds a caption with the day and time of the image.
-Some forecast sites must download a webcam image with the same name and the same URL, but your webcam changes the name of the images and the URL of the daily folder. Here is a script that searches for the last image of your webcam and always saves it with the same name and the same URL. To do this you need a cron job.
-Two beautifull style settings.
-A slideshow that can show the x number of the latest images with a carousel mode.
The PRO version is full of adjustments and ways to show images. It is fully responsive and displays well on smartphones and tablets.
Support by tickets system for 30 days.
For PRO edition, please, visit our official site
Documentation about PRO-edition: (

Please, see our demo page