We'll create fresh WordPress site with Website Toolbox Community installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
The easiest WordPress discussion community plugin. Organize your public or private discussions into searchable topics and categories under your brand with an independent or embedded community forum. Effortlessly build a beautiful community with zero coding, seamless embedding, instant setup, and exceptional support.
Ranked #1 Community Provider by StarReviews!
Not a Website Toolbox Community owner? Create a Community Now!
Embeddable – The community can be seamlessly embedded into your WordPress website or linked to as a stand-alone page.
Single Sign On – Users are automatically signed in to your community when they sign in to your WordPress website.
Signup Integration – Community accounts are automatically created for your existing or new WordPress users.
Embedded Comments – Spark discussions on your WordPress pages or blog posts by instantly creating a related topic in your community and seamlessly embedding the comments.
Highlight Discussions – Use the WordPress widget to embed the latest or most popular discussions.