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About weclapp

This plugin integrates weclapp functionality into wordpress CMS






updated: 4 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: weclapp SE


Campaign Management

Adds the possibility to display campaigns and allow automatic webinar registration. It integrates the following two elements into your webpage:

  • a list of upcoming campaigns of a chosen type scheduled in your weclapp account under CRM -> campaigns
  • a display of a submit form enabling visitors of your website to participate in one or more campaigns with one single registration (this feature can be deactivated using the Shortcode parameter displayformular=0)

If a user is not in your contact, lead, or customer list in weclapp then then the participant will be added to your contacts (contact type can be set in the Plugin Settings under “Create new persons as”).

Participants trying to register repeatedly will be informed about their already existing participation.

Additional features:

  • success messages can be configured under the plugin settings
  • multiple forms or lists on one page
  • alignment of the list can be chosen between vertical and horizontal
  • lists can be sorted by date or alphabetically

Here is a sample how the usage of the plugin looks like: https://www.weclapp.com/de/webinare/

Ticket Management

Allows the visitors of your webpage to send a support query by means of a submit form. The request will be automatically included in your ticket list accessible under Helpdesk in your weclapp account.

More functionality will be added in the future

Supported languages:

  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Turkish
  • Polish

If you encounter translation mistakes, feel free to inform us at the following email-address: support[@]weclapp.com

Example Usage

Campaign Management

To use this feature, just place the Shortcode [weclappCampaings] into a chosen post.

By default webinar is the campaign type. If you like to use another campaign type, use the Shortcode parameter type. It is also possible to disable the form using the Shortcode parameter displayformular=0.

For instance, if you like to list all upcoming events without a form:

 [weclappCampaigns type="Event" displayformular=0] 

Use the following names for the campaign types:

  • Event
  • Webinar
  • Exposition
  • Publicrelation
  • Advertisement
  • Bulkmail
  • Email
  • Telemarketing
  • Other

Multiple forms on one page (with different campaign types respectively) can easily be created by placing multiple Shortcodes on it.

Ticket Management

The only thing necessary is inserting the shortcode [weclappTicketing] into one of your posts.
Optionally, you can add the following fields to the form using the shortcode parameters in brackets:

  • phone number (phone_number=1)
  • additional recipients (additional_recipients=1)
  • category (category=1)

For example, the following shortcode will display the submit form including a category select box:

[weclappTicketing category=1]

If you encounter any errors messages, check your plugin settings as shown under “Installation”.