We'll create fresh WordPress site with Digihood HTML Sitemap installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Digihood HTML site-map plugin enables you to create site-maps with various customization options. List all public posts, pages and custom post types with blacklist option. List all posts of specified post-types / taxonomies / terms. This plugin also enables you to create a list of all the attachments on your website with the option to specify the document type.
Default shortcode [html-sitemap] has the option to blacklist post or post_types with the exclude=”post_id” and exclude-type=”post_type->name” arguments respectively
Example: [html-sitemap exclude=”1,349″ exclude-type=”book,product”]
exclusion does not work for the “page” post-type
Sitemap of uploaded attachments => [digi-attachment-sitemap], you can further specify the file type with the file-type=”MIME code” List here
Example: [digi-attachment-sitemap file-type=”application/pdf”]
Sitemap of all the posts of specified post-type => [post-type-sitemap post-type=”post-type->name”] where the post-type argument is required and the short-code wouldn’t work without it.
post-type name can be found in the url while on the post-type admin page
Sitemap of all the posts under specified taxonomy or only it’s specified term. => [tax-sitemap taxonomy=””], arguments are: taxonomy=”taxonomy-slug” (required) and term=”term-slug” (optional)
Taxonomy specification is required, Term specification is optional – all the terms will be included if none is specified.
Example: [digi-attachment-sitemap file-type=”application/pdf”]
Note: No additional styling has been added to the code except style=”clear: both;” and the class “whs-wrap”, which wraps the whole list and can be used for further personal styling. We recommend adding your styling outside of the plugin itself since the changes could be overwritten with future updates.