Simple Welcome Ad

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About Simple Welcome Ad

Super simple welcome ad that adheres to the new Google Ad Experience guidelines.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Pramadillo


This is a super simple plugin which displays a full page welcome ad for visitors. I created this plugin out of necessity as I needed a welcome ad plugin that would adhere the new Google Ad Experience guidelines for interstitial ads. The requirements state that no content can be visible to a user before your interstitial appears, that means even if your content flashes for a split second before your ad shows your site will not pass.

Like the title of the plugin says, this is super simple. The welcome ad has only a few options, feel free to request new features and I can try to incorporate.

The welcome ad is designed to NOT show on mobile devices only Desktops.


  • Only displays on Desktop
  • Adjustable Second Countdown Timer
  • Set how long you want ad to be hidden for after someone closes ad
  • Ability to upload background image
  • Ability to change color of welcome ad background
  • NEW Ability to schedule start date and end date for welcome ad to run.