WH Tweaks

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About WH Tweaks

Common functionality WordPress core should have but maybe shouldn't.






updated: 6 months ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Webhead LLC


Often times, ideas from WordPress Ideas (https://wordpress.org/ideas/) or bugs from WordPress Trac (https://core.trac.wordpress.org/) take years to make it into WordPress Core. Sometimes even if everyone agrees on the fix it still doesn’t get in. This plugin is the temporary patch you’ve been waiting for. Activate any feature you want and disable any you don’t want.

  • Allow excerpts to show links.
  • Obscure login errors so an attacker will not know if a username exists.
  • Hide WordPress version in both meta tags and script inclusions.
  • Make category children highlighted with a subtle gray background.
  • Some added shortcodes.
  • Customize login.
  • Remove emoji scripts and styles.
  • Automatically set the Return-Path to the From address if it’s not already set (Trac #22837).
  • Show private pages in parent dropdowns (Trac #8592).
  • Allow commas in category terms (Trac #14691).
  • Show sidebar from main site in Multisite (Trac #22370).
  • Disable default WordPress REST API endpoints.
  • Remove author pages from public viewing.
  • Redirect user enumeration to 403 Forbidden page.
  • Resolve PHP notices about “ob_end_flush()” (Trac #18525 and #22430).

Each of these options can be turned on or off on the Settings -> WH Tweaks page.