White Payments

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Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About White Payments

White makes it easy to accept online payments (credit and debit cards) in the Middle East. No setup fees, no monthly fees. Start in 5 minutes!






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: White Payments


White is the only payment solution you need to start accepting online payments. That’s right, no merchant accounts, no payment gateways and no visits to the bank. Get started online, and in under 5 minutes. (Currently only available to companies in the Middle East)

Using WordPress + WooCommerce?

Then you’re going to love this!

This WooCommerce plugin makes integrating your store with White a walk in the park! In the same time it would take you to make a cup of some great turkish coffee, you could be up and running with online payments!

Doesn’t matter if you’re in Bahrain or the UAE, it’ll work fine either way.


In order to start using White, please head over to [http://whitepayments.com/](our website) and register for an online account (it’ll only take a few minutes; we’ll wait..)

Got the account? Great .. now make sure to get the following details as well: Live secret key, Test secret key and the Public Encryption key. This will be needed when setting up the WooCommerce payment plugin.