We'll create fresh WordPress site with Activity Log WinterLock installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
New most detailed WP User Tracking, Control and Requests Logging Plugin.
You will see very detailed report what people or even other plugins are doing on your site, then block or be alerted on such requests or even logout user immediately.
Detect any request, activity log and control based on specific criteria, lock, block, email alert, hide etc.
Working based on low level logging, can log any user request. This may help you to monitor any user, any plugin and investigate possible problems.
Plugin is made with performance in mind, build on optimized custom tables.
Just install it and everything will work without any special setup.
If you have any trouble or suggestion feel free to contact us, we always looking for improvements: [email protected]
Now we have also official website: https://activity-log.com/
And GitHub Knowledge Base: https://github.com/sandiwinter/wordpress-activity-log
We using images and apis from wordpress.org to show plugin details