Women's Refuge Shielded Site

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About Women's Refuge Shielded Site

Add the NZ Women's Refuge Shielded Site button to your site using the [womens_refuge_shield] shortcode or widget.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Phil Tanner


Now any website can be a place of refuge. If you need help but are worried about repercussions from a controlling or abusive partner, this is a safe way to find it. With The Women’s Refuge Shielded Site, victims of domestic violence access a shielded portal through which they can contact us, find out how to make a plan to safely get out of a dangerous situation, learn how to stay safe online and get answers to questions about what comes next – all without fear of it showing up in their browser history for anyone else to find.

The Shielded Site is simple to add to any company website and is designed to work on desktop, tablet and mobile.

By including the Shielded Site tab on your website, you’ll be helping victims living with domestic violence to safely get help. We invite all New Zealand businesses – or anyone who manages their own website – to get involved.

Note: This plugin follows the example given on the Shielded Site website, and therefore embeds a link to a hosted JavaScript file from their website. Additionally, clicking the Shielded Site image generated by the shortcode or widget from this app is explicitly designed to display another (external) websites’ content over the top of your website.

You can view the Shielded Site’s Privacy Policy by following the link, or viewing their website.