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About Woocommerce Custom Fields For Variation
In your e-commerce store, customers often wish to buy different variations of colour, size, and brand in a single product.
With this plugin, the admin can add various options to each product about the attributes like colour, size, height, and weight.
In association with each variation, the admin can add text fields and a text area where the customer will be able to add the text of choice which he/ she wants to be printed on the clothing item. He can even add the option to select an image to be printed.
These options will be in the form of radio main, drop main. The admin can even set the option to charge an additional amount depending on the said customization.
Free features
User can create 2 types of fields – Text Area and Text Field
You could create unlimited custom options for a variation.
You could create 10 Custom Input Fields listed below Text Field, Text Area, Check Box, Radio Button, File Upload*, **Dropdown, Quantity Based Pricing Field, date and time picker, colour picker, and Range Slider.
For the Radio , Checkbox and Dropdown input fields you can set the option default value.
You could also show the message or tooltip for the description of the options.
You could hide the description of the options.
For the Radio Button and Checkboxes input fields you can add the images for the options.
For the Date and Time Picker field you can show either date or time or date and time both.
For the Range Picker input field you can set Minimum to Maximum range.
For the Range Picker input field you can set the Range type. There are 2 types of range type – Fixed Price and Step*Price.
You can set options position Before or After add to cart button.
Conditional Logic Option to apply conditional logic to various fields of a form. This feature lets you apply conditions to your fields, hence allowing you to add a control to their display. The fields on which conditional logic is applicable are- Text Field, Text Area, Dropdown, Checkbox, and Radio Button. The logic stands invalid for Upload Field.
Supports Negative price value.
It allows you to Add multiple fields to Input Field.
You could Define the text limits for Input Fields.
You could Make those Custom Input Field conditional or compulsory for your users.
You could even add the additional price for the customized additions to your product line.
This option is available for variable products.
You could write a description for every option.
Various styling options are there as Description Styling, Label Styling & Heading Styling