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About Woongkir

WooCommerce shipping rates calculator for Indonesia domestic and international shipment: JNE, J&T, TIKI, Pos Indonesia, SiCepat, and more.






updated: 9 months ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Sofyan Sitorus


WooCommerce shipping rates calculator for Indonesia domestic and international shipment: AnterAja, 21 Express, Expedito, IDexpress Service Solution, Indotama Domestik Lestari, Indah Logistic, JET Express, Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), J&T Express, JTL Express, Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, Pahala Express, Pandu Logistics, PCP, POS Indonesia, Royal Express Indonesia, RPX, SAP Express, Sentral Cargo, SiCepat Express, Solusi Ekspres, Star Cargo, TIKI, Wahana Express.

Key Features

  • Support domestic shipping couriers: AnterAja, 21 Express, IDexpress Service Solution, Indotama Domestik Lestari, Indah Logistic, JET Express, Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), J&T Express, JTL Express, Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, Pahala Express, Pandu Logistics, PCP, POS Indonesia, Royal Express Indonesia, RPX, SAP Express, Sentral Cargo, SiCepat Express, Solusi Ekspres, Star Cargo, TIKI, Wahana Express.
  • Support international shipping couriers: Expedito, Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), POS Indonesia, Solusi Ekspres, TIKI.
  • Support multiple couriers.
  • Support shipping rates calculation from and to subdistrict location for domestic shipping.
  • Support shipping rates calculation based on dimensions and weight.
  • Enable or disable any of the shipping services provided by each courier.
  • Automatically convert volumetric to weight.
  • Set shipping couriers priority.
  • Set base weight for cart content.
  • Show or hide the estimated time of arrival.
  • Real-time currency conversion to IDR for international shipping cost courier that using USD currency.
  • Real-time API Key validation on settings update.


This plugin is not compatible with WooCommerce blocks. You MUST use WooCommerce shortcode to build your cart and checkout page.


Please visit the link below for the live demo:



This plugin is using RajaOngkir.com API as the data source. You must have RajaOngkir.com API Key to use this plugin.

Please visit the link below to get RajaOngkir.com API Key. It is free.



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