Word Count Analysis

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About Word Count Analysis

A simple but useful plugin that gives the word count of your articles.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Nurullah SERT


A plugin that shows how many words the content in your articles or pages consists of and the number of unique words (stopwords).

It makes a simple but functional analysis of your articles. It calculates words, such as the number of words and characters in your sentences. Calculates the longest and shortest word count for each post and gives an average value.

You can also see the articles of your authors in a table.

Supported languages
Languages we support to find unique stopwords in your posts.
* English
* German
* French
* Hindi
* Indonesian
* Italian
* Japanese
* Latvian
* Dutch; Flemish
* Spanish; Castilian
* Bulgarian
* Czech
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Russian
* Swedish
* Chinese
* Greek, Modern (1453-)