WP Admin Filter & Search

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About WP Admin Filter & Search

Extend inner WP search and filters functionality by custom fields and terms to the admin's post manager.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Makong


WP Admin Filter & Search is the WordPress plugin which allows you to:

  • Add more filters to your list of posts in WP Admin
  • Extend the functionality of your inner post manager, sorting and filtering by custom fields, allowing you to search within titles, custom fields, terms.

So, if you work with many posts and you need to group them or bulk edit them, to add to category or term, you can search for something that is common for that group of posts.

The plugin was created to help you also filter your posts by any custom fields you are using in your WordPress.

So, WP Admin Filter & Search is basically a powerfull addon to your existing WP search and filters 🙂


P.S.: Don’t forget to review the plugin and let me know if you know how can I make it better.