WP AutoTags

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About WP AutoTags

英文:Often publish articles and updates people loves forgets to set tags when editing an article, the article automatically add keywords tag.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Zhys


英文:Often publish articles and updates people loves forgets to set tags when editing an article, the article automatically add keywords tag. tag extraction based on TF-IDF implementation. Built-in TF-IDF interface does not work when you try to find an existing tag in WordPress. If found, these markers are added to the post automatically each time you save the post.
Ps:Go to \”Settings» Writing \” Configure. TF-IDF only supports English and Chinese.Plugin work in PHP5.5+.
Visit Official page.

Ps:后台通过 设置->撰写 页面对插件进行配置。TF-IDF关键词提取接口仅支持中文&英文文本
兼容性: 除WordPress、PHP巨大更新弃用基础函数库,本插件在PHP5.5及以上版本正常工作
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