WP Booster

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About WP Booster

WP-Booster - Optimize your website to load very fast & efficiently by combining & minify JS, CSS, lazy-load images, and leverage browser cachi …






updated: 4 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: M. A. Monim


Website speed is very important thing because you can loose your visitors if your site takes too long while loading pages. None is interested to spend extra times to load your pages. That’s why we need to speed up our pages for the client happiness.

Using WP Booster not so difficult. It can add gzip compression code to your .htaccess file. You need to enable gzip compression & browser caching under compressing assets tab in the setting page. WP Booster can minify & combine CSS & JS files under the head those have been enqueued by your theme & other plugins. Same thing will be apply for the image lazy-loading. It is very light weight plugin with minimal of codes, so your store will not be affected by any performance issue(s) by this plugin.

What benefits are may given using our plugin:
Enables GZIP compression (Apache server)
Adds Browser Caching (Apache server)
(For headers enqueued scripts & styles) WP Booster decreases the number of HTTP requests loaded
Minify CSS files (within headers)
Minify JavaScript files (within headers)
Combine CSS & JS files
Lazy loads all images (as much as possible) while loading the page