WP Chords

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About WP Chords

WP Chords allows you to format and display the chords on your blog including mobile friendly interface and AMP functionality.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: Emre Polat


WP Chords allows you to format and display the chords on your blog. You can set font sizes, enable transposing chords especially in your posts. Compatible with Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). It’s fully supported different devices such as tablets, mobile phones and most of web browsers.

Eazy Real Time Demo

As soon as you install the WP Chords plugin, you will find live demo playground under Settings->WP Chords. You even don’t need to create a post or a record in your database!

Please follow How can I test it? directions in FAQ page.


You can define your chords at the correct positions in your song using chord shortcodes. 187 codes are available in below. On your final post view your chords will be automatically placed in their correct positions. You can configure formatting with some options such as below

Formatting Features

  • Display with monospace font.
  • Display with alternating chords.


On your final post view, visitors can adjust chord transposing as they wish with 17 half tones. On the transpose bar, the first chord in the song will be automatically selected as default tone.

Transposing Features

  • Tones are: Ab, A, A#, Bb, B, C, C#, Db, D, D#, Db, E, F, F#, Gb, G, G#.
  • Transposing can be turned off.

Font Sizing

Your visitor can adjust font size for the song, while playing it.

Font Sizing Features

  • It can be turned off


Your visitor can print the chord itself for using outside.

Printing Features

  • It can be turned off
  • Footer text can be adjusted
  • Font size applies
  • Transpose applies

Supported Chords:

Ab, Abm, Ab6, Ab7, Ab9, Abm6, Abm7, Abmaj7, Abdim, Ab+, Absus, A, Am, A6, A7, A9, Am6, Am7, Amaj7, Adim, A+, Asus, A#, A#m, A#6, A#7, A#9, A#m6, A#m7, A#maj7, A#dim, A#+, A#sus, Bb, Bbm, Bb6, Bb7, Bb9, Bbm6, Bbm7, Bbmaj7, Bbdim, Bb+, Bbsus, B, Bm, B6, B7, B9, Bm6, Bm7, Bmaj7, Bdim, B+, Bsus, C, Cm, C6, C7, C9, Cm6, Cm7, Cmaj7, Cdim, C+, Csus, C#, C#m, C#6, C#7, C#9, C#m6, C#m7, C#maj7, C#dim, C#+, C#sus, Db, Dbm, Db6, Db7, Db9, Dbm6, Dbm7, Dbmaj7, Dbdim, Db+, Dbsus, D, Dm, D6, D7, D9, Dm6, Dm7, Dmaj7, Ddim, D+, Dsus, D#, D#m, D#6, D#7, D#9, D#m6, D#m7, D#maj7, D#dim, D#+, D#sus, Eb, Ebm, Eb6, Eb7, Eb9, Ebm6, Ebm7, Ebmaj7, Ebdim, Eb+, Ebsus, E, Em, E6, E7, E9, Em6, Em7, Emaj7, Edim, E+, Esus, F, Fm, F6, F7, F9, Fm6, Fm7, Fmaj7, Fdim, F+, Fsus, F#, F#m, F#6, F#7, F#9, F#m6, F#m7, F#maj7, F#dim, F#+, F#sus, Gb, Gbm, Gb6, Gb7, Gb9, Gbm6, Gbm7, Gbmaj7, Gbdim, Gb+, Gbsus, G, Gm, G6, G7, G9, Gm6, Gm7, Gmaj7, Gdim, G+, Gsus, G#, G#m, G#6, G#7, G#9, G#m6, G#m7, G#maj7, G#dim, G#+, G#sus