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About WP-CollectiveAccess

Display your CollectiveAccess collections inside your Wordpress website.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 10 years ago


About WP-CollectiveAccess

WP-CollectiveAccess is a wordpress plugin to display collections informations & media from museum or digital archives
inside WordPress, using web services.

WP-CollectiveAccess is a project lead by idéesculture, a small french company, involved in CollectiveAccess development
through french translation & a dedicated module for Musées de France museums, tiny devs… We provide CollectiveAccess
services to museum, tourism offices in France & french-speaking countries.
This project was funded by Pro-Memoria, an italian company providing CollectiveAccess services.

About CollectiveAccess

CollectiveAccess is an opensource web-based suite of applications providing a framework for management, description, and discovery
of complex digital and physical collections.
CollectiveAccess is a registered trademark by Whirl-i-Gig in the USA. It has been brought by a collaboration between and
partner institutions in North America and Europe with projects in 5 continents.