WP Crontrol

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About WP Crontrol

WP Crontrol enables you to take control of the cron events on your WordPress website.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 17 years ago
author: John Blackbourn


WP Crontrol enables you to take control of the cron events on your WordPress website. From the admin screens you can:

  • View all cron events along with their arguments, recurrence, callback functions, and when they are next due.
  • Edit, delete, pause, resume, and immediately run cron events.
  • Add new cron events.
  • Bulk delete cron events.
  • Add and remove custom cron schedules.
  • Export and download cron event lists as a CSV file.

WP Crontrol is aware of timezones, will alert you to events that have no actions or that have missed their schedule, and will show you a helpful warning message if it detects any problems with your cron system.


  1. Go to the Tools → Cron Events menu to manage cron events.
  2. Go to the Settings → Cron Schedules menu to manage cron schedules.

Other Plugins

I maintain several other plugins for developers. Check them out:

  • Query Monitor is the developer tools panel for WordPress.
  • User Switching provides instant switching between user accounts in WordPress.

Privacy Statement

WP Crontrol is private by default and always will be. It does not send data to any third party, nor does it include any third party resources. WP Crontrol’s full privacy statement can be found here.

Accessibility Statement

WP Crontrol aims to be fully accessible to all of its users. WP Crontrol’s full accessibility statement can be found here.