We'll create fresh WordPress site with WP Custom Social Sharing installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
WP Custom Social Sharing is a free WordPress plugin that makes any content on you website social-share-friendly by allowing anyone easily share their website content (page, posts, custom post types, media) on some major social medias: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Blogger, Buffer, Digg, Email, Flipboard, Odnoklassniki, Pocket, Reddit, Skype, Stumbleupon, Telegram, Tumblr, Whats App, and Xing from your website.
You can either enable/disable the social media profiles you want to activate and select the order for each of the icons. There is an option to set the default count of icons to show initially and rest of the icons along with the default count icons into a popup.
This plugin provides the capability to select the position (above content, after content, floating left and inside image), all at once and 3 different sizes ( small, medium and large ).
Plugin Features
Plugin Shortcodes
[wcss_shortcode above_content=true] //Appears above the content
[wcss_shortcode below_content=true] //Appears below the content
[wcss_shortcode float_left=true] //Appears on the left side of the page