WP DataTable

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About WP DataTable

WP DataTable provides simple possibility to include raw javascript DataTables in any blog post or page, that will add advanced interaction controls to …






updated: 2 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Samuel Behan


WP DataTable is a WordPress plugin for insertion of static or dynamic DataTable functionality (http://datatables.net/) to any blog post or page.
Extensions included: Buttons (fat=1), Column visibility, HTML5 export (fat=1), Print view (fat=1), ColReorder, FixedColumns, FixedHeader, Responsive, Select


  • Provision of DataTables script and css style
  • Full configuration via raw javascript (see https://datatables.net/reference/option/ for more info)


[wp-datatable id="ID" fat="LEVEL"]
    paging: false,
    responsive: true,
    search: true,
    //.. and more - see https://datatables.net/reference/option for full reference
  • id – specifies ID of existing table to which datatable functionality should be applied
  • fat – (optional) provide fat version of datatables (see Fat level)
  • CONTENT – optional datatables configuration

Fat level

  1. adds Button extension with HTML5 export and Print preview + JSZip for excel export