WP Equal Columns

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About WP Equal Columns

This plugin will equalize the columns (content and sidebar) in your theme to ensure that they are of equal lengths. I've ported this js utility t …






updated: 15 years ago
since: 15 years ago
author: Anthony Acosta


Its very simple, but its saved me quite a bit of time when developing new themes. Basically this plugin will equalize the columns in your theme to ensure that they are of equal lengths.

NOTE: Your theme must use the following column names: “rightnav”,”bodycontent”,”leftnav”,”sidebar”,”sidebar1?,”sidebar2?,”content”.

You can modify the equalcolumns.js Line 2 to contain any column definitions you may have for your theme

All the information (general, changelog, installation, upgrade, usage) you need about this plugin can be found here: WP-Equal-columns Readme.

NOTE: I did not write the js script. I would give credit to whoever wrote it, but it doesn’t contain any author information. If you wrote this js, then contact me, I will add your credits here.

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